Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Homeschooling Wife

Eleven months ago, my husband and I settled that the current school year (22-23) would for now be our kids last year at their school. Going forward we would homeschool. It was a huge change for us. I stepped out of the workforce, we are relying on God to provide for our gym as my husband is the only breadwinner, and then of course for the kids. Many times I have had the question, "What about socialization?"

But other questions have been more on point:

  • curriculum
  • co-op or not
  • fieldtrips
  • schedule (calendar and daily)

So, I'm sharing this, and going to update the tab on my blog with more details.

But first, a general "disclaimer." I live in Texas, which is an amazing state to homeschool in. Texas requires only that students be taught 5 things.

  1. Reading
  2. Spelling
  3. Grammar
  4. Mathematics
  5. Good Citizenship, which entails:
    1. Federal Holidays
    2. Pledge of Allegiance
    3. History
    4. Government
Anyone who lives in Texas and wants more details, I recommend visiting The Texas Homeschool Coalition website. An amazing resource. Every state is different, I highly recommend checking your state's requirement. Now some government schools will argue that you have to notify them officially that you are pulling your kids if they have been attending them. I would suggest if your state doesn't, get your child's academic records, and copies of test scores before they ever hear about you thinking of homeschooling. The schools can be very hostile. 

Now we had our kids in private school, so all I did was opt out of automatic re-enrollment. 

So here is how we homeschool, what we use, and what we do.

      This took work. I researched for months before making decisions. I reached out to families that have homeschooled for years. Scoured websites and blog posts for reviews. I wasn't just going to be schooling one child, but 3, in different grades (5th, 3rd, and PK4). Here is what I ultimately decided on:

5th Grader & 3rd Grader
  • Math, Christian Light Education
  • Language Arts (Grammar, Reading, Spelling, Writing), Common Sense Press
  • Bible, no curriculum. As a family reading the Bible chronologically, and doing scripture memory.
  • History/Social Studies - NotGrass History - using their 50 states curriculum this year, additionally say the following pledges: Texas Pledge, Pledge to the American Flag, Pledge to the Christina Flag, Pledge to the Bible
  • Science - The Good and The Beautiful - various unit studies
  • Handwriting - 3rd grader only, Zaner-Bloser
  • I found an amazing PK4 packet at kindergartenreadyskills.com. I formerly was a preschool director (licensed) and thought to make everything, but her workbook was chef's kiss!
  • It includes: alphabet, letters, tracing, mini-month units on weather, hygiene, etc. But I did switch the order of the letter teaching to a phonetics system
Additionally, since I have a 5 year old, we do a general calendar time which is a great review for all three of my kids. And come January we will be adding a typing program for my 5th and 3rd grader, currently reviewing some recommendations.

Language Arts was the only curriculum that really gave me pause. I was also looking at IEW's curriculum but decided it wasn't for us. 

Co-op or Not

      When we made the decision to homeschool, it came after months of prayer and mediation. I felt that God was telling me that I need to spend the next year focused on my husband and my kids. Keep close to home. My husband supported this. Around the time we made this life altering decision, our church announced for the 2023-2024 school year, they were sponsoring a Co-op! And they did ask if we would be apart of it. We said no. Not forever, but for this year for sure based on our understanding of what God was wanting from us. We will revisit it in the future. But I do say, I enjoy the freedom of being with my kids, our own schedule, and if we need to shuffle life around, it only impacts us. I know some people who absolutely love their Co-op. And maybe one day we will experience one. But not today.


We haven't yet taken any dedicated ones. I plan to plan better for the Spring. I will use Christmas Break to do more research. But honestly we have had many family commitments this semester. We have gone to a few parks mid-week, and connected some with other homeschool families. I even joined a Facebook Group for our area that plans 2 to 3 events a week. I need to review and sign up to participate in one or two.

But don't think we are homebodies. We run errands together. Meet my husband for lunch, or just visit him at the gym. We have visited friends of mine mid-week and enjoyed fresh air. Also the library is usually a bi-weekly visit for us.

      Our calendar isn't as set as one would expect from me. I have a general idea of what I want us to do, and when to have off. We "follow" the districts around here for the major holidays, and we haven't settled on what summer will be like. My husband is on board with a "year round" mindset, and I don't disagree with his logic. I am thinking for summer we won't do a full course load, a modified day, but our kids will still be engaged in focused learning.

Daily/Weekly though we have our routine down by now. From 8-8:30 we usually start our learning time. And here is our order:
  • Bible - daily scripture reading, daily devotion, prayer time (kids also have prayer journals), scripture memory review. Also, for where we are in our daily chronological reading I will find coloring sheets or projects to reinforce the lesson/reading.
  • Mathematics - Speed Drills first, then lesson or quiz/test
  • Language Arts, 3rd grader does his Handwriting after. Will probably have 5th grader do keyboarding after her LA lesson.
  • History & Science
    • History:
      • Each of the 50 states is 2 days worth of lessons, so we do 2 states a week
      • The History curriculum had the option to purchase books that go with each region, I purchased these. While my kids do their journals, I read a chapter a day.
    • Science
      • As we do unit studies I pick the focus. We started off going over Biblical Sexuality (different vendor) so that my kids could understand male & female as God intended. Now we are using TGATB for our studies. Currently we are going over "Health and the Physical Body." 1 lesson a week, and generally there is a hands on project or task. I will add supplemental reinforcement worksheets to test that the kids focused on the lesson.
  • Calendar - review the days of the weeks, months of the year, the order the occur, weather.
Now all this takes roughly 3 to 3.5 hours. That's right. We DO NOT school ALL day. Once we get through our morning, than we live life. Run errands, tend to the house, visit family, go to the park, have lunch with my husband, I workout. Kids help do chores, watch movies, play outside, play with the chicken (check if she laid an egg), goof around on their tablets. Then come Saturday when my husband works a shorter day, there usually isn't housework to do unless its a big project. We are free to attend birthday parties, or go to the movies, or anything because we aren't forced to get everything done on one day off (Sunday still is set aside for church).

Now regarding my youngest who is in prekindergarten. His schooling does not take as long as the 3rd and 5th grader. He is required to sit through Bible and prayer (planting seeds and setting the example). Then once his siblings are on their math lesson, we review his lessons. Usually 2 letters a week, and 2 numbers a week. We have worksheets the saturate his mind with the current letter/number, and I work with him on understanding, recognizing and identifying. We additionally read together, and he has calendar time with us. His total school day is usually 1 hour. That's it. Then he plays with Legos, playdough, kinetic sand, or does puzzles. He watches Bluey, The Kratz Brothers, and even movies. He loves being outside and will chalk up our back deck with his drawings.

In the future, it could be more difficult. They could go back to private school if finances allow. But right now I am basking in this life we have created. If we continue to homeschool til all 3 graduate I easily see us joing a co-op when they hit high school, just because chemistry for sure was not my thing and I did struggle with Spanish. But I must admit I love the freedom we have to learn at our pace, and with what interests us.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Faithful: Abigail

"He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it." 1 Thessalonians 5:24

God, throughout the Bible, displays Himself as being faithful and worthy of our (yours and mine) trust.

In scripture, the Old Testament exactly, there is the story of a woman who is the personification of living out the life of faith: Abigail.

Now, those who know me personally, know that I have personal attachment to this name, as my only daughter was named after this wonderful woman in the Bible. The Mother's Day after I found out I was pregnant, the pastor of my church preached on Abigail, and I said if I ever had a daughter, I would name her Abigail. Not too many weeks later we found out that our baby was a girl, and so, she was named Abigail.

So why did I settle on this name? What is so great about Abigail that I felt it was the right name to name my daughter? We will get there, but lets first go over the background of Abigail, and her situation.

Abigail was a woman in Carmel, married to a man named Nabal, who was harsh and evil in his dealings.

Nabal had previous dealings with David (yes that David!) indirectly through Nabal's shepherds who had been with David's shepherds, and that interaction had been peaceful. When David heard that Nabal and his men were shearing their sheep, David had this to say:

1 Samuel 25:5-8

 "So David sent ten young men; and David said to the young men, “Go up to Carmel, visit Nabal and greet him in my name; 6 and thus you shall say, ‘Have a long life, peace be to you, and peace be to your house, and peace be to all that you have. 7 Now I have heard that you have shearers; now your shepherds have been with us and we have not insulted them, nor have they missed anything all the days they were in Carmel. 8 Ask your young men and they will tell you. Therefore let my young men find favor in your eyes, for we have come on a festive day. Please give whatever you find at hand to your servants and to your son David.’”

The customs of the time and culture were that David and his men should have received favor, and even some provisions from Nabal. SHOULD have....

1 Samuel 25: 9-11

9 When David’s young men came, they spoke to Nabal according to all these words in David’s name; then they waited. 10 But Nabal answered David’s servants and said, “Who is David? And who is the son of Jesse? There are many servants today who are each breaking away from his master. 11 Shall I then take my bread and my water and my meat that I have slaughtered for my shearers, and give it to men whose origin I do not know?” 

Nabal quickly was living up to his reputation. 

David did not take the disrespect well, and in haste was setting up to go to war. And at this point, this is where we get to see the beauty, intelligence and wonder that is Abigail, and the lessons we can learn from her. (verses 12-13)

Six Lessons from Abigail

  1. Act quickly when necessary - don't be fearful
  2. Be humble and kind; seek peace
  3. God will fight for you
  4. Be knowledgeable
  5. Be aware of timing
  6. Respect your husband

1. Act quickly when necessary - don't be fearful

Now, at this point war was coming to Nabal, and therefore Abigail, though neither knew it. But the servants who were around Nabal when he dismissed David's men heard, and one rushed to Abigail.

14 But one of the young men told Abigail, Nabal’s wife, saying, “Behold, David sent messengers from the wilderness to greet our master, and he scorned them. 15 Yet the men were very good to us, and we were not insulted, nor did we miss anything as long as we went about with them, while we were in the fields. 16 They were a wall to us both by night and by day, all the time we were with them tending the sheep. 17 Now therefore, know and consider what you should do, for evil is plotted against our master and against all his household; and he is such a worthless man that no one can speak to him.”

Now, in a moment I will address the swift action of Abigail. But first I want to address that the servant knew he could go to Abigail. She was approachable, and those in her husband's employ knew they could go to her, and if she could, she would do something.

Can people come to you? Do you have that type of reputation? Please ponder that.

With the warning given to her by her husband's servant, Abigail didn't loaf around. She recognized that immediate action was necessary. There are times of we must be decisive and not procrastinate, the solution is obvious and you must act. And there are times we should pray and fast. You must evaluate the situation you are in. Purchasing a house, I would suggest the prayer and fasting method. But when war is at your door, you must be swift.

18 Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread and two jugs of wine and five sheep already prepared and five measures of roasted grain and a hundred clusters of raisins and two hundred cakes of figs, and loaded them on donkeys. 19 She said to her young men, “Go on before me; behold, I am coming after you.” But she did not tell her husband Nabal.

Abigail's swift action saved the life of the people in her household, herself, and even her husband (though he had no knowledge).

2. Be humble and kind; seek peace

This point goes against the modern culture we live in. Most women today, when confronted in this situation, would have come upon David and start yelling, making demands, being aggressive, yelling about his masculine toxicity, and how she is a "Boss Babe" and he will do as she said.

And if she had done that, Abigail and all those with her, and then those back home, would have likely been slaughtered. Abigail, wisely, defused the entire situation with humbleness, her own. Abigail was not at fault in the scenario, but she put herself in front of it, bowed down and asked for forgiveness on behalf of her husband (without bad mouthing him once!).

20 It came about as she was riding on her donkey and coming down by the hidden part of the mountain, that behold, David and his men were coming down toward her; so she met them. 21 Now David had said, “Surely in vain I have guarded all that this man has in the wilderness, so that nothing was missed of all that belonged to him; and he has returned me evil for good. 22 May God do so to the enemies of David, and more also, if by morning I leave as much as one male of any who belong to him.”

23 When Abigail saw David, she hurried and dismounted from her donkey, and fell on her face before David and bowed herself to the ground. 24 She fell at his feet and said, “On me alone, my lord, be the blame. And please let your maidservant speak to you, and listen to the words of your maidservant. 25 Please do not let my lord pay attention to this worthless man, Nabal, for as his name is, so is he. Nabal is his name and folly is with him; but I your maidservant did not see the young men of my lord whom you sent.

26 “Now therefore, my lord, as the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, since the Lord has restrained you from shedding blood, and from avenging yourself by your own hand, now then let your enemies and those who seek evil against my lord, be as Nabal. 27 Now let this gift which your maidservant has brought to my lord be given to the young men who accompany my lord. 28 Please forgive the transgression of your maidservant; for the Lord will certainly make for my lord an enduring house, because my lord is fighting the battles of the Lord, and evil will not be found in you all your days. 29 Should anyone rise up to pursue you and to seek your life, then the life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living with the Lord your God; but the lives of your enemies He will sling out as from the hollow of a sling. 30 And when the Lord does for my lord according to all the good that He has spoken concerning you, and appoints you ruler over Israel, 31 this will not cause grief or a troubled heart to my lord, both by having shed blood without cause and by my lord having avenged himself. When the Lord deals well with my lord, then remember your maidservant.”

And by bowing down before David, and seeking forgiveness on behalf of her household, her genuineness was a plea for peace between the two groups and God showed David that if he slaughtered the entire household it would be wrong, and many innocents would be killed.

Even doing all this, there was no guarantee for Abigail that David would accept her plea and offer a pardon. Still, she did what is right, and did not think of herself only. She showed her love and compassion for those in her household.

3. God will fight for you

Abigail was not alone when she came up to David. God was with her, as He is with us today. God gave Abigail a special favor that allowed her to make a favorable impression on King David.

32 Then David said to Abigail, “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who sent you this day to meet me, 33 and blessed be your discernment, and blessed be you, who have kept me this day from bloodshed and from avenging myself by my own hand.

Not only did God come along side Abigail in her dealings with David, He was with her when she returned to her husband. Now, scripture does not say this, but it can be inferred that Nabal's harsh and evils ways probably were known to Abigail in her marriage. Upon returning home, Nabal was drunk, with many others. She wisely did not confront him while he was in this state.

36 Then Abigail came to Nabal, and behold, he was holding a feast in his house, like the feast of a king. And Nabal’s heart was merry within him, for he was very drunk; so she did not tell him anything [af]at all until the morning light.37 But in the morning, when the wine had gone out of Nabal, his wife told him these things, and his heart died within him so that he became as a stone. 38 About ten days later, the Lord struck Nabal and he died.

Abigail faced the coming with with grace, humility, meekness, and kindness, and God gave her favor, and further protected her from the wrath of her evil husband.

4. Be knowledgeable

Back in verse 10, Nabal shows his arrogance and lack of knowledge of what is going on his society. 

10 But Nabal answered David’s servants and said, “Who is David? And who is the son of Jesse? 

Abigail on the other hand was known for her intelligence.

3 (now the man’s name was Nabal, and his wife’s name was Abigail. And the woman was intelligent and beautiful in appearance, but the man was harsh and evil in his dealings

Knowledge is power. 

Proverbs 9:10
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

When Abigail was made aware of the situation between Nabal and David, she didn't ask questions. Her actions imply she knew who David was, she recognized who he was, and used this knowledge in her dealings with him.

You can never know all of any one thing. Study, be knowledgeable, know what is going on around you, in your town, church, family, community. Pay attention. do not be an ostrich burying your head in the sand.

5. Be aware of timing

Timing can be key when you want to effectively communicate something. If someone is distracted, distraught, or drunk, probably best to not have vital, crucial conversations with them.

Abigail knew this, and applied this lesson when going to her husband. Upon obtaining peace with David, Abigail returned home to her husband having a feast like a king.

36 Then Abigail came to Nabal, and behold, he was holding a feast in his house, like the feast of a king. And Nabal’s heart was merry within him, for he was very drunk; so she did not tell him anything [af]at all until the morning light. 37 But in the morning, when the wine had gone out of Nabal, his wife told him these things, and his heart died within him so that he became as a stone. 38 About ten days later, the Lord struck Nabal and he died.

He was drunk as a skunk, and he would not have retained anything she said to him. She waited until the next morning, once he sobered up. Then she told him all that had transpired.

Knowing when to speak and when to be silent, that is an invaluable skill that all need to acquire.

6. Respect your husband

Ephesians 5:33 "and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband."

Scripture commands women to respect their husbands. And there are ZERO clauses attached to that.

  • you are not exempt if he is a drunk, rude, jobless, arrogant
We are to respect them, our husbands. Abigail lived this example out for us in her marriage to Nabal. His evil, wrath and arrogance almost cost the entire household, herself included, their lives at the hand of the man, that scripture described as the man after God's own heart.

1 Samuel 13:14

"...The Lord has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has appointed him as ruler over His people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you.”

Acts 13:22
"...He raised up David to be their king, concerning whom He also testified and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My heart, who will do all My will."

When the servant came to Abigail of the report of how Nabal dismissed David's men, she did not bad-mouth him. Not once does scripture say she was smug, disrespectful, or snarky towards her husband. In fact, she offers him respect, as the head of the household, by giving a report to him of all that occurred, when he had the ability to understand (when he sobered up).

God's way, which Abigail demonstrated for us, goes against the teachings of the world. We need to be less "Boss Babe" and more like "Admirable Abigail." In the face of injustice, be kind, compassionate, and composed.

Abigail's attributes did not leave her desolate and a widow for long. God restored to her a husband. 

39 When David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, “Blessed be the Lord, who has pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal and has kept back His servant from evil. The Lord has also returned the evildoing of Nabal on his own head.” Then David sent a proposal to Abigail, to take her as his wife. 40 When the servants of David came to Abigail at Carmel, they spoke to her, saying, “David has sent us to you to take you as his wife.” 41 She arose and bowed with her face to the ground and said, “Behold, your maidservant is a maid to wash the feet of my lord’s servants.” 42 Then Abigail quickly arose, and rode on a donkey, with her five maidens who attended her; and she followed the messengers of David and became his wife.

Now, we do know that David had several wives, but we don't hear of him being harsh or mean to them. So it is safe to assume her marriage to David was much better than that of her marriage to Nabal.

Living a Faithful Life like Abigail

God works faithfully on behalf of those who choose to follow Him. Abigail is an example.

When trials and tribulations come, and they will, trust in God, show your faith in Him, and He will deliver you. He is always with us, close by, He sees our heart, and He is constantly working on our behalf. He has the entire picture, why we only see our little part. But our little part does matter to Him, remember that.

He will provide enough grace each day to get us through the trials we face.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV)

22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

    his mercies never come to an end;

23 they are new every morning;

    great is your faithfulness.

And so, why did we name our daughter Abigail? Well, in hopes that she would live up to the name. Beauty, intelligence. Abigail in the Bible lived a faithful life, cared for others, was humble, sweet in spirit, respectful. Those are beautiful attributes for any woman to have.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Psalm 23:3, "He restores my soul"

It has been over 2 years since I've written. The latest few years have been fraught with change and upheaval.  Personally,  globally, church wise, everything changing, and changing rapidly.

For now, I want to comment on my personal changes.

It has always been my desire to be a stay at home wife and mom. It has also been my husband's desire. Even more so, I have wanted to be at home with my kids,  to homeschool. 

October 2019 my husband and I got serious about our finances,  took a class to get out of debt. Then March of 2020 the global pandemic hit, and it could have been a set back. But God. Psalm 23:1 says,  "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." What we were doing was in the will of God. God was not stopped by the pandemic. Things were tight, but we pushed on, we paid off debt, and stayed focused. 

About 1 year ago, God started planting in my heart the idea of leaving the workforce as I knew it. I have worked since I was 14. I have always worked, it is what I know. But I was tired of having my heart and mind divided with being under the authority of a boss and my husband. So, in December my husband and I prayed intensively, and came the understanding that God wanted me to be at home serving my husband, with our kids and to homeschool. I turned in my resignation, and spent this last semester closing out my job and researching curriculum. 

So, now I am at home. I am having quality time with each of my children. I'm working out more, I'm helping my husband with our business. I'm napping, I'm resting, I'm studying. I'm being restored.

Psalms 23:3 says, "He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake."

I have been able to attend an conference for women who serve and lead. And Merrily Hagarman, her husband preaches in Joshua Springs, CA, spoke a bit on Psalm 23. And for verse 3 she explained that the word restore means to be made back to what once was. God is doing this in me now. I'm being restored to the woman He intended for me. 

I am drawing closer to God in this time. I'm off for the summer,  for the first time in 23 years. I'm finding out who I am as a wife and mother who is only accountable to my husband and the Lord. It is such a sweet time, a pleasant time. 

I am focusing and studying on who a godly wife and mom is. And my encouragement comes from Titus 2:4, "so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children." Older women are to show/teach/model how to love a husband and children. I love my husband and my three children. But I know I can do more, I can do better. I'm connecting with friends who are older, I'm observing, making notes, and praying. 

I'm looking forward to this be season I am in. I plan on writing again. Bible study, prophecy updates, words of encouragement. 

Friday, June 4, 2021

Count the Cost

If you have had a house project, or even a school project there are things you must do.

- make a plan
- evaluate the cost
- gather tools/resources
- execute your plan

 Many people though, skip step two. Which is why so many people do not complete projects because they have no idea to what they have really committed to.

But what does it mean to count the cost? When it comes to our faith, to following Jesus, He told us Himself:

Luke 14:25-34 (NIV) - The Cost of Being a Disciple

25 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. 27 And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’

31 “Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32 If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace. 33 In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.

34 “Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?

The parable of the seed reminds me of the 4 types of "Christians." I was raised, I was taught, that the parable of the seed is about all the earth, all the people of the earth. But after more study, instead of just accepting what I was taught, I realized that the parable is about the church, not the Church as in the Body of Christ. But when you look at a gathering of believers, usually in a "church" building - just because someone is there does not mean that they are truly following Jesus. Only 1 of the 4 (but do not think it is an even 25%) truly counted the cost and decided following JESUS was worth EVERYTHING.

What is the cost of following Jesus?

  • You will be hated, mocked, and ignored.
  • You could lose your home, your job, your family.
  • You will be hunted.
  • You will hate the things of the world.
  • Your heart will hurt for the lost.
  • The things that break God's heart will break yours.
  • You will commit to knowing God's word, and obeying It.
  • You will live with anticipation that His return is eminent. 
  • You will hate your past but anticipate the future with Christ as your LORD.
  • You will go/do where and what He says for you to do to spread the Gospel.
****At the end of this post find scriptures to back this up.****

How does this look in our lives? How does counting the cost and living for Christ look with your family, your work, your social media presence?

The past 18 months have been a whirlwind on a global level. Politics are divisive, more so than ever. The United States is divided and without God there will be no unification. Was this last election won fair and square, was there collusion, was the election stolen from the people. Only God knows, I am not sure we will know this side of heaven one way or the other.

Than there is the "V" - please note, I will not say the name of the "illness", nor will I say other "v" word associated with it (I will go with jab). I refuse to use either of those words so in order to not be censored at this time. And that is where I am going with my post.

I am of the belief that the "V" was man made, and purposely released by the Red Dragon country to destroy the USA, disrupt the good work that Donald Trump was doing ( I believe God was using him to move the world closer to the Rapture), and to push the globe into a population control scenario.

I believe the jab is not what we have been told. And many, many, many others are of the same mindset of me. Some are more vocal about it than others. But the fact is, the jab does not prevent you from getting the "V" nor does it prevent you from spreading it. So what is the point?

I know many who with in days, within weeks of getting the 2nd part they developed severe medical issues. Then there are the women who with healthy pregnancies miscarry for no reason. Or the women who are past menopause all of a sudden having cycles again. I do not judge anyone who received the jab, and I do not hold it against anyone who is holding out. We all have to do what we believe is right for us and for our families. 

My spirit is not well with what is going on in the world. This place is not my home, and what is going on is causing my heart to yearn for heaven even more. 

I saw the image to the side a few days ago and it stuck with me. Censorship is unchecked now. You speak out against the "V", the jab, the LGBTQ movement and "Pride" month, or against the current administration and you censored, put in FB jail, or your social media presence is erased. The party that calls the other side Nazi's for our beliefs is using all the tactics that Hitler put into place to rise to power. Ironical, to say the least. 

I don't want to be lukewarm. 

Revelation 3:14-22 New American Standard Bible

Message to Laodicea

14 “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:

The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Origin of the creation of God, says this:

15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have no need of anything,” and you do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked, 18 I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to apply to your eyes so that you may see. 19 Those whom I love, I rebuke and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. 21 The one who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat with My Father on His throne. 22 The one who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’”

With those of like mindedness, I have spoken my thoughts on the "V", the jab, and all the crazy political upheaval. But not too much online. A "safe" post here or there, but nothing more. And I am convicted. I am afraid of what I would lose. And for that I am ashamed. Now is not the time to worry about what I will lose. Jesus is coming

Read that again.


The last 18 months have conditioned people for the Great Tribulation and the Mark of the Beast system that will come after the Rapture. So many took the jab to "return" to normal, and that is what they will do during the 7 year time known as the Time of Jacob's Trouble. The stage is set. We must get people to Jesus. Because if you reject Him, you will pay a great cost.

Should you die prior to the Rapture...you will go to hell.
But, if you are here after the Rapture, you could become saved, and many will, but how sure of that are you? Why would you want to go through the pouring out of the Wrath of God on humanity? Plague, death, war, disease, famine - just to start.

I am going to share Jesus with people. I am going to share the articles about the healthy people dying immediately after receiving the jab. I am going to share the studies on the number of children who have such adverse reactions, on a jab that is not FDA approved but being pushed under Emergency use. I am going to share the information that the jab is to cause sterilization.

I will not be quiet, I will not be lukewarm.

But, I will not be pushy, I will not be yelling. I will do all this in love. People are confused right now. People are hurt. And Jesus loves everyone - He wants all to be saved. So many have lost so much - they don't need to be yelled out. They need compassion. 

John 13:35 - New American Standard Bible

35 By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.”

I have read God's word. I know how this all ends. And I see the signs He told would happen, in greater occurrence right prior to His return to call his Bride (that's us Church!) to Heaven to be with Him.

They can block me, they can put me in FB jail. That is fine. When you squelch truth, try to stomp it out - you give it a bigger platform. You cause more people to pay attention to it. And my God, His word does not return void.

Isaiah 55:11 New American Standard Bible

11 So will My word be which goes out of My mouth;
It will not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the purpose for which I sent it.

*** Scriptures on the cost of following Jesus****

Luke 9:23 ESV And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

Colossians 3:1-25 ESV If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. ...

Matthew 24:44 ESV Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

Luke 14:33 ESV So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 8:18-22 ESV Now when Jesus saw a crowd around him, he gave orders to go over to the other side. And a scribe came up and said to him, “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” Another of the disciples said to him, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” And Jesus said to him, “Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.”

Luke 10:3 ESV Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.

Titus 3:5 ESV He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,

Acts 20:35 ESV In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Galatians 2:20 ESV I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Matthew 10:38 ESV And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Luke 14:25-33 ESV Now great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and said to them, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, ...

James 4:4 ESV You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Matthew 8:20 ESV And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”

John 8:24 ESV I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins.”

Ruth 1:16 ESV But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.

Deuteronomy 4:2 ESV You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you.

Ephesians 3:14-21 ESV For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, ...

John 8:31-32 ESV So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:12 ESV Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Luke 16:13 ESV No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

Luke 9:57-62 ESV As they were going along the road, someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” To another he said, “Follow me.” But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” And Jesus said to him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” Yet another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” ...

Matthew 19:21 ESV Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

Matthew 10:34-37 ESV “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Deuteronomy 6:5 ESV You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

1 Peter 2:21 ESV For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.

Titus 2:11-14 ESV For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.

1 Timothy 4:13 ESV Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching.

Colossians 3:17 ESV And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Ephesians 2:10 ESV For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

1 Corinthians 11:1 ESV Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

Romans 8:1 ESV There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Matthew 24:36 ESV “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.

Matthew 11:28-30 ESV Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 10:37 ESV Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Matthew 8:18 ESV  Now when Jesus saw a crowd around him, he gave orders to go over to the other side.

Matthew 6:24 ESV “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

2 Samuel 7:1-29 ESV Now when the king lived in his house and the Lord had given him rest from all his surrounding enemies, the king said to Nathan the prophet, “See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells in a tent.” And Nathan said to the king, “Go, do all that is in your heart, for the Lord is with you.” But that same night the word of the Lord came to Nathan, “Go and tell my servant David, ‘Thus says the Lord: Would you build me a house to dwell in? ...

Joshua 24:15 ESV  And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Romans 12:1-2 ESV I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Matthew 4:18-22 ESV While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him. And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them. Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.

Deuteronomy 6:1-25 ESV  “Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the rules that the Lord your God commanded me to teach you, that you may do them in the land to which you are going over, to possess it, that you may fear the Lord your God, you and your son and your son's son, by keeping all his statutes and his commandments, which I command you, all the days of your life, and that your days may be long. Hear therefore, O Israel, and be careful to do them, that it may go well with you, and that you may multiply greatly, as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. ...

Exodus 20:1-26 ESV And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, ...

Philippians 3:20 ESV But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,

Ephesians 5:25 ESV Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,

Ephesians 5:2 ESV And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Ephesians 5:1-2 ESV  Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Acts 2:22 ESV “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know

John 3:17 ESV For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

Luke 14:26 ESV  “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 9:60 ESV And Jesus said to him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

Matthew 4:19 ESV And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Proverbs 4:20-21 ESV My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Make Time for Jesus

 "More time with Jesus." 

The collective answer that my former ladies Sunday school would answer in response to all the woes - how to make a decision, how to parent better, how to "wife" better, etc.

A sweet lady I have studied under for years quipped that statement a few years ago, and it stuck with many of us. And honestly, while simple, its deep. What does time with Jesus look like? It's prayer, it's scripture reading, scripture studying (there is a difference in reading and studying), its worshipping, its singing His praises, attending/listening to sermons that are biblically sound, fellowshipping with other believers.

Time with Jesus - based on the above, well its a lifestyle. It is not something you can flippantly partake in. If you are wanting time with our Lord and Savior, its a commitment, it takes dedication, it takes a mindset that is focused on the heavenly things.

But when you add the word "more" to the front of the phrase, it implies someone who is already dedicated and committed to their relationship and walk with the LORD. And that is beautiful. That someone who is not satisfied with a surface level encounter with Jesus.

This reminds me of the analogy given by my mentor L.M. regarding the study of the Bible in the Precept Style. This is how she described different Christians, the different levels of involvement that Christians have in their walk with Jesus. Precept in her opinion was scuba diving.

  • On the beach, feet in the sand
    • Christians who attend church on Easter, Christmas, for weddings, and for funerals
  • Splashing toes in the water/waves
    • attend Sunday School and one church Service a week
  • Water up past the knees
    • Serve at church, attend several times a month, involved in activities hosted by the church
  • Snorkeling, face under the water
    • All of the above, and attend events that are study-like, but said study's require very little from the individual at home in the way of study.
  • Scuba Diving out in the water with land no where in sight
    • This is where someone who does Precept Bible study is according to my former mentor. With Precept Bible Study, you are essentially taking a college course in Bible. In depth reading, a good 4 to 5 hours a week of study, using God's Bible to study God's Bible. So many beautiful cross-references. And a person who has studied God's word in this manner....they live a life transformed by Jesus. When you have seen the beautiful interweaving of God's narrative you serve, you worship, you participate at a different level.
I miss taking precept. Thanks to the global pandemic, the classes have been on hold. Last fall we did
move forward in our studies via online meetings, but something was missing and it was harder. Precept truly is a class meant for in-person instruction and conversation. I am hopeful that this upcoming fall the class will resume and I will be able to attend and study.

Obviously someone who has done Precept, or similar inductive Bible studies, they grasp, they live "More Time with Jesus." When I look at all that is going on in the world, I see a world though that isn't ready for "More" - I see a world that needs to "Make" Time for Jesus. 

More Time with Jesus vs Make Time for Jesus

My mind and heart are heavy as I move into this next section. I am saddened. I grew up and live in America. The land of the free to quote the Star Spangled Banner (1814). A country founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs, founded with the mindset of religious liberty and freedom. While many states in this United country have worked hard to keep people of faith from partaking in their God ordained right of worship, the past 13 months has shown the churches that will do anything to reach the lost. These churches, they remind me of Smyrna and Philadelphia -  the two churches who received no rebuke from our Lord Jesus Christ. So many churches initially closed due to wanting to honor Romans 13:1 - 

"Every person is to be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God." (New American Standard Bible)

But then that initial two weeks to "flatten the curve" never stopped. It kept be extended, the proverbial tin-can kept being kicked down the road. And in fact, our current residing President says states that have opened back up, that have given the right to its citizens to decide how to live, that they should shut back down (link). That these states are being "reckless." That type of rhetoric is fear mongering, and I serve a Lord who says, "Do not fear": linklinklinklinklink

I am thankful and grateful for all the churches who stood up, and said enough and opened back up. Not a one was rude, but they left it up to their congregations to attend in person if they felt comfortable. For the individuals or families who did not feel that in-person fellowship and study was for them, the online options were numerous. But when the Apostle Paul, divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit, said,

"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Hebrews 10:25 - King James Version

He was not talking about an online community. Think of it as a watch, and its components. If they pieces are just gathered together but not in the right functioning place, the watch doesn't work. Only when "assembled" does the watch work. That is the Church. We can gather online together, but we are not in a position to function and work as the Lord has called us to do. It is only when we are assembled together, in-person, that we are truly effective and able to be used by our God.

The Church needs to Make Time for Jesus. Many have fallen away - and the past 13 months have revealed an apostasy. I have heard different word studies on 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 -

"The Great Apostasy"
Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, (New King James Version)

"The falling away" - a mass exodus from the faith, from the Church

Now the general consensus, which makes sense, is that people will leave the faith. But I have heard differently a few times in the past year a slightly different take. Its beyond just a great leaving -  that is evident, but it also ties into the Rapture, which these verse are linked and symbolic of. There will be a great leaving of/from the churches, but also the leaving of the true Church (which is the Rapture). Something to think on, in these days in which we live. I will say though, we are seeing the leaving of the faith now.

More Time with Jesus would solve many of the worlds woes, but unfortunately More isn't even something to consider currently. We are in a state of where people need to Make Time FOR JESUS.

When a society, country, culture goes away from Jesus, we see the horror of depravity that is truly man. His righteousness is what makes us right with God. Without Him, without Jesus, we are sinful, depraved, and disgusting.

So as we start our day this Friday, I am asking you to Make Time for Jesus. It's Good Friday, today we remember the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. Some churches observed the Lord's Supper last night as apart of Maundy Thursday. Our church we attend will be having a service tonight to reflect on the sacrifice Christ made as He was nailed to the cross. And on Sunday - all of Christendom will celebrate the empty tomb, the fact that our LORD is RISEN!

Start now by making time for Jesus by settling to attend church this weekend. That is a  very good start.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Personal Update and Moving Forward

13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— 14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”

 James 4:13-15 - English Standard Version

This verse - GAME CHANGER!

Funnily enough, two people I love, admire, and respect - they speak of all future events with this verse. And it never clicked until our Pastor taught on this verse a few weeks ago. And if 2021 (lets be honest, 2020 too), has taught me anything it is this:

  • use pencil on my planner
  • be flexible with schedules
  • rely on God and His timing
I have been absent from blogging this year, due to the fact that in mid January I did come down with c19. 
Now I managed to get 2 posts in January and February - but have not been as dedicated to writing as I had aspired to be. Recovery has been harder than the actual virus itself to be honest. But I am getting there. My fatigue is lifting (FINALLY!) but my smell/taste are still not back 100%

But with all that is going on in the world, when you look at the events through scripture...WOW! So much is happening. I have been going over several things lately, and I will be making time to share here soon. 

I want to encourage all of you to be praying and reading God's word daily. And, turn off the news. God's word, the Bible, is the Truth. I no longer am at peace with any "news" outlet, station, or channel. I feel that the past 15 months truly shows that their are ulterior motives behind everything.

Be in prayer, and I will speak to you soon.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

What you do Monday determines if you will attend Church on Sunday

Did you know that your decision to attend church Sunday morning takes prep work starting on Monday?

What you do Monday determines if you will attend Church on Sunday.

How do I come to this? Many years of making the firm decision to attend church every opportunity I have. 

Attending church, on a heavily regular basis is foundational for a secure walk with the LORD. Christians need to be in fellowship with other believers. We need to be under the teaching of doctrinally sound pastors on a minimum of a weekly basis. We need to read scripture daily. We need to pray daily (minimum).

In the era of Covid-19, I know that attending church can be uncertain. For a long while many church were shut down. First by mandates, then by choice as they navigated how to open and operate with all the requirements for social distancing. Many switched to an online platform, and have continued only with that. That is their choice. Other churches are open, and even those are split. Some have few precautions, many have so many that they are not welcoming. I honestly believe every individual Christian needs to decided for themselves HOW they will attend church. 


So how does Monday play into your decision to attend church on Sunday? It is with each individual decision you make, starting with Monday. If you have resolved that you will be attending church on Sunday, that will guide and direct every decision you make through the week.

In Daniel Chapter 1, we find the introduction to Daniel, the prophet. Starting in verse 8, one see's a young man who made a decision to honor God, even when he was in a pagan nation, and it could mean death. Please read...

Daniel’s Resolve

8 But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself with the king’s choice food or with the wine which he drank; so he sought permission from the commander of the officials that he might not defile himself. 9 Now God granted Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the commander of the officials. 10 The commander of the officials said to Daniel, “I am afraid of my lord the king, who has allotted your food and your drink; for why should he see your faces looking gaunt in comparison to the youths who are your own age? Then you would make me forfeit my head to the king.” 11 But Daniel said to the overseer whom the commander of the officials had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, 12 “Please put your servants to the test for ten days, and let us be given some vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then let our appearance be examined in your presence and the appearance of the youths who are eating the king’s choice food; and deal with your servants according to what you see.”

14 So he listened to them in this matter, and put them to the test for ten days. 15 And at the end of ten days their appearance seemed better, and they were fatter than all the youths who had been eating the king’s choice food. 16 So the overseer continued to withhold their choice food and the wine they were to drink, and kept giving them vegetables.

17 And as for these four youths, God gave them knowledge and intelligence in every kind of literature and expertise; Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams.

18 Then at the end of the days which the king had specified for presenting them, the commander of the officials presented them before Nebuchadnezzar. 19 And the king talked with them, and out of them all not one was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; so they entered the king’s personal service. 20 As for every matter of expertise and understanding about which the king consulted them, he found them ten times better than all the soothsayer priests and conjurers who were in all his realm. 21 And Daniel continued until the first year of Cyrus the king. (NASB)

Daniel was not alone, which shows the wisdom of having like minded friends of the faith. There is strength in that! There is accountability.

"But Daniel made up his mind" - v eight. Daniel did face persecution throughout his life, but by purposing his heart, by making up his mind to serve and honor God, he found favor, and his life was even saved. 

Let's be like Daniel. If your intent on Sunday morning is to attend church, stay the course. When you are invited to a Sunday Brunch, ask it start later or you have to pass. If your child is asked to take advantage of a extra sports practice, if it is during church time, pass. None of these things in and of themselves are evil. In fact, they are neutral. But if they take our focus off of Jesus, time with Him...then they are no longer neutral events. Friend, God will reward you for being in the assembly of believers faithfully.

Additionally, take control of your household. Create a schedule, that way nothing gets in the way of attending church. For our family it looks like this:

  • no sports or music practices on Sunday
  • bills and meal planning are done on Thursday, Friday at the latest
  • grocery shopping and all errands for the week ahead are complete on Saturday
  • Laundry. It never ends. Ideally, for our family of 5, I do a load of laundry every other day. Or push come to shove, I wash it all on Saturday, and Sunday evening I hold a Folding Party while listening to the Prophecy update from Pastor J.D. Farag.
How serious am I about having my family in church? 
  1. My children, all three, were in church the very first Sunday after they were born. No I did not put them in the nursery at church, for the first 3 to 6 months I would sit in the commons to listen to the worship and message as I held them. All three of my babies heard their momma sing praises to Jesus while she held them, comforted the, nursed them.
  2.  Our family had a season of life when my husband was unable to attend church regularly due to his career. But none the less we, our older two children (this was prior to our youngest being born) and I would get up, have breakfast and attend morning services. 
  3. I have been blessed throughout my life that I have been member to churches with Wednesday night services. Many families find the stress of attending Wednesday night to be hard, to be too much. Again, pray about it. If it is God's will for you and your family, He will provide the time, the peace, and the ability. I have managed to get children picked from daycare and school (in separate towns), get home, get changed, pick up dinner, eat and attend church on time. FOR YEARS! And now, our new church - Wednesday night doesn't start until 7 p.m. We can easily eat at home and arrive on time with homework done, and a few minutes of piano practice complete.
Now, life does happen! People get sick, bad weather is not safe to drive in. My family missed 2 weeks worth of Bible study and Sunday worship due to me recently being diagnosed with Covid-19. We obeyed the 14 days of quarantine, and Praise to God, only I was sick. I also deal with hereditary migraines. And occasionally they happen when I plan to attend a church function, and its not safe for me to do so.

This message mainly though, is for those who are able to attend and are not firm in that decision, or see the importance in attending.

I want to give a warning to those who think that attending church is not needed for a relationship with Christ. God's own word, the Bible, warns about not being with other believers regularly:

Hebrews 10:25 (NASB) - "not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near."

Well, if you know me, I bring everything back to Jesus, and His soon calling of the Church home to heaven. And in light of current world events, I feel the strong urge again to warn EVERYONE that Jesus will soon call ALL BELIEVERS to Heaven.

The “day drawing near” is the “day of the Lord.” This refers to that terrible day when Jesus will come to bring judgment on all unbelievers. Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church about this day in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.  Hebrews 10:27, describes that day as “a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries.

Paul was writing to believers. Why then was he concerning them about the day of the Lord?

Here are two reasons:

1. Some of his readers may not have been true believers and he was warning them. Paul indicates this in verse 26, as he wrote of those who “go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth.” This group no doubt includes those who mingle with believers but have not yet believed. They are those who are curious about the faith, and may be under conviction, but have not yet taken steps of commitment to Christ; hence they need this message. (I suggested studying the parable of the seeds – this is not a message of those in the world, but those in the church! Only a very small portion of those in the church are truly believers!)

Then there were those who were more willful in their unbelief, who were imposters—fake believers and even secret, false prophets. Paul wanted to warn these too, for there is always hope for even these. Remember, God wants none to perish – there is hope for everyone. Do not look at people and think – nope they aren’t worthy. God loves them as much as you. And remember, he who is forgiven much, loves much. Parable of Two Debtors

2. The approaching day of the Lord has an effect on believers. Just because believers will not experience the wrath of God on the Day of Judgment, all the days and years leading up to that day may cause us some sorrow and grief. Just think on all that is going in the world currently. Pandemic, political unrest, civil unrest, joblessness, famines, locust plagues, fires.

Nonetheless, there are things we can do to be encouraged.

As the final days of the earth draw near, Satan will do all he can to discourage and deceive us who are believers. He will try to pull us into all the trouble and chaos and will try to mislead us into thinking that there is no hope—that Jesus will not come for us (as I said before, many Christians are confessing that a Pre-Tribulation is not possible, and it is dividing believers).  That is why we need to study and memorize verses of hope, verses on the rapture that tell us that He is coming and that He has prepared a place for us (John. 14:2).  Likewise, we need to be comforted and reminded that even in the midst of trouble, one day, before the wrath of God comes on the earth, He will snatch us up together with Him in the clouds and take us to heaven to be always with the Lord (1 Thess. 4:17).

So, as trouble and chaos on the earth increases, we need more and more encouragement. And so this is why Paul exhorted them to not forsake the assembling together.  Fellowship is so important to our comfort and encouragement in these final days.

So friend, what will you and your family do?

Joshua 24:15 NASB

15 But if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served, which were beyond the Euphrates River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; BUT AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD."

The Homeschooling Wife

Eleven months ago, my husband and I settled that the current school year (22-23) would for now be our kids last year at their school. Going ...